You would not be reading this book without the untiring support of Mr. Frederick Malphurs, a retired senior healthcare executive and visionary leader, to whom I’m deeply indebted not only for this book but also my 25-year career in healthcare.
Twelve years ago, when I told Mr. Malphurs I was contemplating writing a book on chronic diseases, right away he threw his full support behind me. We both keenly understand assessing and understanding the efficacy of treatments or prevention of chronic diseases relies on evidence – data and statistical analysis.
For the last 12 years, Mr. Malphurs has meticulously edited each page for clarity and precision. When I asked him how could you do that in such a meticulous way I can’t even do for my own daughter, he said, “This book will be good for public health.”
Mr. Malphurs’ contribution to this book is far beyond being the editor. Without him and the leadership team he built in Upstate New York, I would not have stayed in healthcare, let alone write this book. His deeds, not words, have inspired and guided me for the last 25 years as a healthcare analyst – do the right thing for patient care, regardless of the noises and distractions. More preciously, his deeds have cast a beautiful and lasting image of what the federal government often is and can be and what America is in my head and heart, which has never changed despite all the political turbulences.
Answering President Kennedy’s call for public service, Mr. Malphurs dedicated 37 years of his career to Veterans Healthcare, during which he moved 13 times across the country assuming different leadership positions. In his career, he always put the interest of the public before his own. As a senior executive, he frequently chaired and oversaw national committees and programs with billions of dollars involved, but he avoided the revolving door with private contractors. Even after retirement, Veterans Healthcare is still in his heart.
Mr. Malphurs is a true leader who has exceptional ability to form the long-term vision, a big heart to recruit the most talented staff, and wisdom to motivate and manage the talent. During his tenure in charge of a Network of six regional hospitals and over dozen outpatient clinics across Upstate New York, he built the most dedicated and capable leadership team with the most gifted Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer, he removed his close friend from a hospital CEO position for inaction, and he insisted on “saving every penny for our veterans” when staff complained about old furniture and worn-out carpet in the Network Office. With relentless effort, Mr. Malphurs and his leadership team took the Network of six hospitals from the bottom of the largest healthcare delivery system to the top in both quality of care and cost effectiveness in national performance monitors. He was a true leader who selflessly focused on the mission – patient care, rather than pursing a personal and professional long-term domain.
I was privileged to work with his leadership team – together we built the most sophisticated statistical and economic models in healthcare to measure and improve efficiency and effectiveness, which laid the foundation for me to become the architect developing all the efficiency/effectiveness models in the largest healthcare delivery system with a nearly $100 billion operating budget – as an analyst in healthcare, I can’t ask for a better job. I forever owe my deepest gratitude to Mr. Malphurs and his leadership team. This book is a small way I can give back.
Along my long and twisty career path which started in China in hard labor at construction sites at age 14 without a day in high school or college, I would not have reached this far without many supporters who believe in me. In particular, I’m deeply grateful to Dr. Gary Quinlivan, Dean of Alex G. McKenna School of Business, Economics, and Government at Saint Vincent College, my favorite professor, trusted mentor, and dear friend of 35 years, for his full support of all my endeavors.
Thank you to all of my supporters — you’re always deep in my heart and I’ll do my utmost to live up to your expectations.